Vision: A sustainable grassroots Wellbriety Movement that provides culturally based healing for the next seven generations of Indigenous people.
Mission: Disseminate culturally based principles, values, and teachings to support healthy community development and servant leadership, and to support healing from alcohol, substance abuse, co-occurring disorders, and intergenerational trauma.
National Gatherings
1994: Gathering of the Elders (Janesville,WI) Dedication of the Sacred Hoop
1995: Women’s Leadership Gathering (Denver, CO)
1996: Men’s Gathering (Florissant, CO)
Sacred Hoop Journeys (Video documentaries — www.whitebison.org)
1999: Healing the Nations: Visits to 32 Tribal Colleges
2000: Wiping of the Tears (3800 mile walk from Los Angeles to Washington DC)
2002: Healing Native Women and Children (19 urban and reservation communitiesWest of the Mississippi)
2003 Healing Native Men and Children (17 urban and reservation communities East of the Mississippi)
2006: Sacred Hoop Journey to Sitka, Alaska, to support the raising of theWellbriety Totem Pole
2007: Sacred Hoop Journey to Montana — 13 stops (tribes and prisons)
2008: Sacred Hoop Journey to Minnesota — 9 stops tribes and prisons
2009: Sacred Hoop Journey to California — 8 stops tribes and prisons
2009: The Wellbriety Journey for Forgiveness — 23 stops (sites of Boarding Schools)

National Wellbriety Conferences
1999: Strengthening Individuals (Colorado Springs, CO)
2001: Strengthening our Families (Rapid City, SD)
2002: Strengthening our Communities (Billings,MT)
2003: Strengthening our Nations (Albuquerque, NM)
2005: Healing the Hurts: The Grassroots Speaks (Denver, CO)
2006: Taking a Stand Against Meth: Recovery is Possible (Denver, CO)
2006: Wellbriety in Motion — Youth, Families, and Suicide Prevention (Denver, CO)
2008: Healing the Hurts, Youth and Families Speak — Intergenerational Trauma (Minneapolis)
2014: Wellbriety Gathering: Healing the Hurts—Empowering Families
2017: Al Anon Conference in Albuquerque
Wellbriety Initiatives
2002: Wellbriety for Youth (prevention and leadership development for Native American youth)
2002: Wellbriety for Prisons (a recovery support system for those returning from prison)
2005: 100 Drums — Communities in Healing
2007: Fatherhood Initiative
2007: Wellbriety Indian Center of Colorado Springs
2010: Wellbriety National Training Institute
2010: Wellbriety Forgiveness Initiative
2011: Wellbriety Certification Program at the University of the Pacific
2012: Wellbriety Treatment Center Certification Initiative
2016: First Nations Resource Center —Calgary
2019: Wellbriety Red Papers (online)
2020: Wellbriety Technical Assistance Center

Wellbriety Teachings
- Four Laws of Change Healing Forest
- Teachings of the Medicine Wheel (Circle Teachings) Innate Learning
- Cycle of Life
- How to Conduct Talking Circles
- Hurt People Hurt People

WellbrietyTM Trainings, Books, and Curricula

1990: Natural Path to Growth (personal development program)
1993: Meditations with the Native American Elders by Don Coyhis
1993: The Healing Forest Program (culturally-based community development program)
1998: Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps for Men and for Women (videos and workbooks are provided)
1999: Firestarter Certification Training (Peers helping peers in recovery)
1999: Understanding Native American Culture: Insights for Recovery Professionals by Don Coyhis
2000: Wellbriety! Online Magazine (www.whitebison.org)
2000: Daughters of Tradition: Prevention Curriculum for Girls age 8-12
2002: Sons of Tradition: Character Building and Prevention Curriculum for Boys age 13-17
2002: Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps for Friends and Families &Adult Children of Alcoholics
2002: Red Road to Wellbriety: In the Native American Way
2003: Families of Tradition: A Recovery Support Curriculum for families that have experienced substance abuse
2003: Seven Steps to Systemic Community Change
2004: Daughters of Tradition II: Character Building and Prevention Education for Girls age 13-17
2004: 7 Trainings: A Strategy for delivering the Grassroots Wellbriety Curriculum in a 3-day conference format
2004: The Positive Warrior: Native American Approach for Therapeutic Communities in Prison Settings
2004: Coalitions using Clan Knowledge: Creating Coalitions thru Storytelling
2005: Warrior Down: Families in Recovery
2005: Warrior Down: A Relapse Prevention Support Program for Native Americans
2005: Warrior Down: Youth Suicide Prevention Program
2006: Warrior Down: A Relapse Prevention Support Program for Native Youth
2006: Alcohol Problems in Native America: The Untold Story of Resistance and Recovery: The Truth about the Lie by Don L. Coyhis and WilliamWhite
2007: Fathers of Tradition
2007: Firestarter Certification Training
2007: Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps for Adolescent Boys and Girls
2008: Understanding the Purpose of Life: 12 Teachings for Native Youth by Don L. Coyhis
2009: Understanding Native American Culture: Insights for Recovery Professionals and Other Wellness Practitioners by Don L. Coyhis
2010: Mothers of Tradition: First Teachers
2010: Wellbriety Training Institute
2010: Wellbriety Technical Assistance Center
2011: Wellbriety Movement Comes of Age
2012: Warrior Down for Veterans
2013: Visioning Process
2014: Red Road to Wellbriety Starter Kit
2015: Mending Broken Hearts
2015: Warrior Down Communities
2015: Red Road to Wellbriety Study Guide and Workbook
2015: Wellbriety for Native American Women in Prison
2016: WellbrietyTM Celebrating Families!
2017: Five Year Plan for Community Development
2017: Traditional Native Leadership by Don L. Coyhis
2017: Self Help Circles: A Wellbriety Approach for Victims of Homicide
2018: Mediations with Native American Elders (Spring, Winter, Summer, Fall) Spanish Edition
2019: Wellbriety Life Skills: Self-Sufficiency for Youth.
© 2020 White Bison, Inc. 1-877-871-1495 h p://www.whitebison.org